Wednesday, October 22, 2008

misc. goings on at home

Jaiden went back to the doctor on Monday. The matter of the bladder infection is still there. The doctor seems to think baby is doing fine, they listened to his heartbeat, and told her she's gained too much weight... Poor girl, she was told to exercise and she didn't feel like it, now she feels like it and they told her not to, they told her to gain weight and she was so sick she couldn't eat, now she's eating and they say she's eating too much! Give her a break!

Thomas was laid off for a few days due to inventory, now, they are backed up and having to work 7 days a week. He is a MONSTER to get up in the mornings, and even so when he's working so much. Don't get me wrong, he LOVES the big paychecks, but hunting season is coming and he's thinking he's going to be working and not able to hunt....

He has put in his order for Thanksgiving dinner. He wants Paula Deen's TurDuckEn.....turkey, duck chicken? This could be a tall order to fill since I have no idea how to get ahold on a duck unless he kills one, and duck season is AFTER Thanksgiving......this meal may have to be a bring in the new year meal or a Happy Birthday Baby meal.

Courtney is cooking right along in school. Maison and MolliKate are going on a field trip tomorrow with PEAK to the Noxubee Refuge. I got invited to go, too. I'm looking forward to it. This is the place with BIG GATORS!!!!! We are doing two different classes at the Refuge...should be interesting. MolliKate just doesn't want to disect SCAT! She was ok, until she learned what SCAT is!

I went to the eye doctor today. I have been having a hard time seeing to thread the needles in my machines. Then it got to be that I couldn't read the design books, or get a number from the phone book....she told me I need bifocals! GREAT!!!! turning 40 IS BAD!!!!! Let's see....since I turned 40 just a few short months ago, I have experienced menopause, learned that I'm going to be a grandmother, and now, a grandmother with bifocals! Well, I guess I should look on the brighter side.....there will be another baby boy to love, my harmone pills are controlling the hot flashes and I'll be able to read the prescription in a few weeks.....I guess its going to be ok!


Cat said...

don't feel're the coolest g-mother I know! :) Glad to know she is doing better, but hate they had to bring up the weight issue. I mean,come on! how old is she? She's gonna bounce right back! :)