Monday, August 4, 2008


These are a few of the outfits that I have done for different people. This is what I would rather do. I'm kinda burned out on making bags right now. I'm sure when the kids get back in school and I find out the gender of my grandbaby, I'll get right back into all of this! Needless to say "the bump" (my grandchild....that's about all it is right now!) will have plenty of clothes and bags... These are all made with an A-line top/dress pattern. They all either snap or button on the shoulders. Some are dresses, some are tops and capris. The black one is my favorite, I think. It has a pink poodle and pink and black dot corduroy pants. The navy one with the white monogram is corduroy with a blue gingham ruffle on the pants leg. I like doing these because they start out as a blank canvas and I can add to it whatever I wish. They always turn out really cute. They are easy to wear too. You can wear them all year long, add a t-shirt or turtle neck in the winter. Ruffles and bows add to the designs. I don't sew the bows to the garments, b/c they make it harder to wash. I usually just pin them on.


Lasonja Randle said...

They are all so cute. They will all look good in Brayland's Closet